WWF World Champion: The Undertaker

Must See TV

Undertaker wins the World Title. Plus a death plagues
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Last updated:
Wednesday, May 19 1999
10 new pics from raw were added to the picture gallery. Also, I
have the match results between the Undertaker and Rock, plus Triple H vs. Austin.
Well there is some rumours that I got from Wrestling-Town. The
rumour is that the Undertaker is going to release to the public in a few months that he
had the coroporate ministry under a spell and was controlling their thoughts, but HHH was
the only one not affected by it since he has been wearing the silver cross. This will lead
to a HHH/Undertaker feud while Undertaker has the title. Also, in HHH's new contract he
was guaranteed a world title reign and if he feuds with UT that means Undertaker will
probably have the World Title. That means at Over the Edge the Undertaker could win the
title, so all watch!

Raw 5-10-99
Paul Bearer vs. The Big Show
- As Bearer comes down, HBK forces him to the ring. Wight starts to kill Bearer, but he
grabs a mic and asks Michaels if he can have UT now. Michaels agrees as Bearer is dead in
the ring. UT comes down. He does not get in the ring, so Wight does another huge elbow to
Bearer. The whole Corp/Ministry comes down and they attack Big Show, then the Union makes
the save!! Debra is shown in back!!!
Winner: Draw
Test vs. Big Boss Man
- Early on, they brawl back and forth, no big moves are hit. Test goes for the poll, and
Bossman grabs his tights, and we see some crack. Minimal moves for a period of timer, your
not missing much untill
Test tries to get the nightstick again, and Bossman is on his shoulders, and Test just
drops backwards
from way up, loud bang!!! Test goes for the nightstick and he gets it, but as he goes to
hit Bossman with it, Bossman already has a metal pole up his sleeve, Test tries a Sunset
Flip, but to no avail as Bossman
hits him w/ the poll, and the match is over!! Winner: Big Boss Man
Cactus Jack vs. Midian and Viscera
Hardcore Match
- Jack starts off the match by hitting both men w/ a garbage can lid. On the side of the
ring, he does a sommersault senton splash onto Midiann from the apron. As he turns, Vicera
does a belly 2 belly. They start to take total contol of Jack, w/ numerous chairshots, and
a double elbow on a chair thats on Jack's chest. Cactus Jack eventually counters when
both men go for a double back body drop, but both get DDT's instaed!! He starts to hit
both men w/ the
garbage can. Then he puts the can on the head of Mideon, and he calls for a chair, and he
gets one, he nearly knocks the head off of Midiann w/ a chair shot while the Can is on his
head!! Vicera takes control after that w/ the new chair in the ring, but he does not have
conrol for long, as Jack fights his way back, and before you know it, Vicera is laid out
on the mat outside the ring. Jack does an elbow w/ the chair under his arm from the apron
on top of Vicera for the 1-2-3. The return of Cactus Jack was a success!!
Winner: Cactus Jack
Faarooq vs. Bradshaw
Lumberjack Match w/ The Union
- Farooq has the mic, and he says that there is no way that they will fight because
evryone knows who will win that one. Bradshaw does not like those comments, and says they
have one helluva team, so don't make me hand your ass to you!! The Crowd lets out some
"ooohhhh's" They come close together, and it seems that they are not goinmg to
fight, then they turn and whap eachother one. Farooq takes control early w/ numerous
rights and left's followed by a nice spinebuster. He throws Bradshaw to the Union outside,
who are the lumberjacks of the match. They beat on him some and throw him back in. As he
gets in, he gets kicked right back out again. When he gets back in again, he hits a
lariot, and send Farooq out to the Union. When he gets back in, over he goes again, hehe.
Finally ge gets back in again, and he
catches a nasty powerbomb for a two count. Bradshaw goes to the top, but is caught in a
powerslam. They both go over the top, and then they get beaten a little, when they get
back in the ring, Vicera and Miiann come for the save. They argue and battle a little bit,
but then the Bossman clears everything up. The Union comes in and they corner
Viscera, and beat on him some!!!
Winner: Draw
Main Event:
The Undertaker, Triple H, and Shane McMahon vs. Steve Austin, The Rock, and Vince McMahon
- McMahon comes down early, and he gets thrown in the ring quickly, and he gets a
chokeslam and a tombstone. He gets thrown outside and the UT and Shane choke him as the
Rock fights w/ HHH. Austin still has not shown yet. Then his music cracks, he comes down
and goes straight for the UnderTaker. Shane off camera is laid out next to his dad.
Massive fighting going on in the ring w/ four men. Austin goes for a stunner on UT, but he
gets pushed into a
pedigree, but he escapes and does a slingshot on HHH. UT gets Austin out of the ring, and
Rock hits a rock bottom on HHH. UT Breaks the count. Rock almost gets chokeslamed, but
Austin grabs UT's foot. UT and Austin are outside, Shane takes Vince in the ring and hts
two elbows, but Austin creeps back in and gives him a stunner!!!!! Mcmahon goes
for the cover, but on the two count, Austin picks up Shane and stunners him again!! Austin
gets the 1 the
2 and the 3, and thats the bottom line!!!
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show at Raw 5-3-99
- The Undertaker got cut open during the match. He went out to Paul Bearer where Bearer
poured some ether on his elbow pad. He put a sleeper on The Big Show, with Big Show's
mouth right near Undertaker's elbow pad, choking him out. Big Show was able to flip The
Undertaker over, however. Paul Bearer then handed The Undertaker a baseball bat, which he
broke in half over the Big Show's head, resulting in a Disqualification. The Undertaker
continued to pound on The Big Show, who was busted wide open from the baseball bat shot.

This site was born on: 2-21-99